A Large Language Model (LLM) is a type of artificial intelligence model designed to generate human-like text based on a given input. These models are a form of machine learning and are trained on a diverse range of internet text.…

Machine Learning (ML)

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that involves the development and application of algorithms that allow computers to learn from and make decisions or predictions based on data. It focuses on the design of systems that…

Multivariate analyses

Multivariate analyses are statistical methods that are used to investigate the relationship between several variables. In contrast to univariate analyses, which focus on only one variable, multivariate analyses look at several variables simultaneously. Multivariate analyses can be used to identify…

Predictor variable

A predictor variable is an independent variable in a statistical model that is used to make predictions about a dependent variable. In data science, predictor variables are often used to create predictive models based on historical data. These models can…

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a method in natural language processing that enhances the generation of text by dynamically retrieving and incorporating relevant information from a large database or document collection during the generation process. This approach combines the capabilities of…


„Text-to-speech (TTS) is a technology that converts written text into spoken language. TTS systems enable computers to read text aloud, making them useful in many applications, including voice assistants, e-book readers and navigation systems. Modern TTS systems often use neural…


Transformer In the context of artificial intelligence (AI), a Transformer is a type of model architecture used in the field of deep learning, specifically in natural language processing (NLP). The Transformer model was introduced in a paper titled „Attention is…

Turing Test

A test to assess a machine’s ability to imitate human-like behavior, proposed by British mathematician and computer pioneer Alan Turing. In this test, a human test subject communicates with a machine and another human via text messages. If the test…

Vector databases

Vector databases are specialized storage systems designed to efficiently store, index, and retrieve high-dimensional vector data. They are commonly used in machine learning and AI applications, such as image and voice recognition, to facilitate fast and accurate similarity searches among…
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